Meet our K-12 Principal

Dr Nicole Archard

As a specialist educator of girls, I strongly believe, as did Mary Ward, that girls and women are to be celebrated and that they have much to offer society.


Loreto Kirribilli is a Catholic school in the Loreto tradition. Established on Carabella Street in 1908, Loreto Kirribilli is part of a national and international network of schools and other social justice organisations that have been shaped by the Loreto charism through the IBVM Sisters.

Our foundress, Mary Ward, began the journey of educating girls more than 400 years ago, this was continued from 1875 in the Australian context by Mother Gonzaga Barry.

At the heart of a Loreto education are the beautiful values that we share across all Australian Loreto schools: Freedom, Justice, Sincerity, Verity, and Felicity. These values drive our students, staff, and broader community in the honourable pursuit of educating girls and young women to become ‘seekers of truth and doers of justice’.

As a specialist educator of girls, I strongly believe, as did Mary Ward, that girls and women are to be celebrated and that they have much to offer society. I believe that a girls’ school environment, enriched by Catholic values and faith, will prepare our students to be strong and confident women of the future. It is through the values of a Loreto education that our girls become ‘wise, loving, well-educated women’, who are socially just, ethically minded, and the women leaders our society deserves and requires.

To embrace a Loreto education is so much more than achieving academic excellence: it is about shaping the whole person - a person who has integrity and a strong self-belief, a person who cares deeply about others and our world, and who possesses the confidence to put themselves forward in the pursuit of personal and spiritual growth.

I am honoured to be Principal of Loreto Kirribilli, to be in the position of sharing this journey with you and helping to shape your daughter to be the woman she will become.


Dr Nicole Archard
BA DipEd, MA, MEdLead, MTheolSt, PhD
Principal K-12
