
Class reunions are a wonderful way to keep in touch with your Loreto Kirribilli school friends.

Ex-student Reunions

Class reunions are a wonderful part of the Loreto Kirribilli Ex-Students’ Union and a great opportunity to reconnect with school friends.

The Development Office maintains a database of Ex-Students to facilitate contact between classmates. The accuracy of the database is dependent on ex-students providing their contact details. After all reunions please send an updated list of current names, addresses, mobile phone and email addresses to

Organising a school reunion:

  • Committee
    It is advisable to have at least 3 people on your committee to spread the work load, with one person who is computer literate to update spread sheets and send emails.
  • Class Lists
    Due to privacy, please contact Antoinette Darin in the Development Office or email for emails of your cohort.
  • Ticket Booking Platform and Invitations
    The easiest way to set up an event and send invitations by email is through a ticket booking platform. They do charge a fee per ticket, so you need to take this into account when pricing an event. The price of the ticket needs to cover all aspects of the event i.e. catering, decorations, bursary donation (if any). All donations to the Bursary Fund are greatly appreciated and can be included on the ticket platform. Two platforms to be used are (all profits go to charity) or
  • Date
    Dates set well in advance can be advertised in Spirit magazine. Alternatively, they could coincide with the traditional Mother Daughter Mass in May.
  • Mass and/or Tour of the School
    You may wish to have a Mass, liturgy or tour held in the school before your reunion. Please contact the Development Office to book dates. The priest will need to be booked by the organiser for any liturgical celebration. Through Archives we can display memorabilia of your time at Loreto with a display in the front Parlour. Any memorabilia that you would like to donate to the school archives is appreciated.
  • Venue
    If you do have a Mass or a tour of the school you should consider having the event at a venue nearby. For major reunions i.e. 50th or 60, Loreto can provide a hall at school.
  • Name Tags
    We strongly recommend name tags, together with maiden name.
  • Spirit Magazine
    Please send through photos and brief report on your reunion for potential inclusion in Spirit magazine.

Antoinette Darin
LK Connect Co-ordinator |

2024 Reunions

Class of '74

Saturday 2 November
50 year reunion
Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron
Contact Liz Hay

Class of '84

Saturday 19 October
40 year reunion
The Royal Oak, Balmain
Contact Anne Gray

Class of '04

Saturday 9 November
20 year reunion

Contact Ex-Students' Union

Class of '14

Saturday 12 October
0 year reunion
Taphouse Darlinghurst
Contact Lucy MacDonald

Class of '19

21 September 2024
5 year reunion
Beuna Vista Hotel Mosman
Contact Charlotte Kearney
