Our Student Leaders

A Message from our Senior School Captain 2025

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When I am asked about my school, I find it difficult to encapsulate the most formative and incredible five years of schooling in a few words. Ever since Year 7, Loreto Kirribilli has served as my home away from home, and my peers have become like my family. It is a school that goes far beyond academic pursuits and focuses on the education of the holistic self, which facilitates growth in every aspect of student life.

Each day we step into a vibrant environment shaped by a long line of predecessors, in which the empowerment of young women is integral in developing students’ self-efficacy. It is a vision that has existed for over 400 years, since the time of our foundress, Mary Ward. Across Australia and globally, Loreto students are grounded by Mary Ward’s vision that ‘women in time to come will do much’, and in the values that she established. Mary Ward led a life inspired by Jesus Christ, as she persevered, through much adversity, to deliver the Christian message of love, human dignity and equality, and service.

Our school values are the manifestation of Mary Ward’s ideals: Freedom of Spirit, Justice, Sincerity, Verity, and Felicity. These Loreto values are embedded in everything that we do as a community - including our dedication to social justice, and our commitment to service. Each year we focus on one value. By the time we reach Year 12, we are collectively recentered on the value that we focused on in Year 7, a truly ‘full circle moment’. This year’s value for Loreto is Verity, ‘todowhatwehavetodowell’.

These values are the basis of what we call our ‘spirit’. Our collective pride for our school, its ethos, and for each other, constitutes our school spirit. It is something we exhibit in all that we do - whether that be through Performing Arts events such as our annual Music Festival, Dance Night, and Theatresports; at Athletics and Swimming Carnivals; at our Saturday sports; and in volunteering and serving the community.

Loreto Kirribilli’s excellence in academic performance, and a diversity of extra-curricular endeavours - such as Debating, Sport, Performing Arts, and Future Problem Solving, are a result of the school’s commitment to student wellbeing. Programs such as Circle Class, pastoral care days such as our very own Amazing Race, year group camps and retreats, coaching, and Big Sister Little Sister mentoring, develop student wellbeing which helps contribute to Loreto Kirribilli’s ideal of potential-reaching.

As we enter the year of Verity, we question: What is our truth as Loreto Kirribilli? Our truth is something that is integrated within our community of staff, students and ex-students, and the vibrant spirit that we all hold that stems from our rich ethos. As we aim to uphold our collective truth, we also aim for each member of the community to discover their own individual truth - whether that be as a student, ex-student, parent, carer, or staff member.

Our leadership team aspires to connect truth to student authenticity and individuality this year, as we endeavour to deepen inclusivity and encourage student voice. To be the School Captain for this year is the highest honour; it is a role that I take on with pride, and a knowledge of the responsibility to continue the legacy of our foundress Mary Ward, to ‘be seekers of truth and doers of justice’.

Senior School Captain

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Loreto Kirribilli has five values that we have at the centre of all that we do - Felicity, Freedom, Justice, Sincerity and Verity. Loreto Kirribilli holds these values close, and we focus on one value each year. The value for 2024 is Sincerity. Sincerity means that we all need to be real, we need to love not only others but also ourselves, show who we truly are and what we are truly capable of, and how we can be our best selves.

Scarlett the Sincerity Swan is our Junior School mascot for this year of Sincerity and with Mia, our 2024 Vice Captain, we had a lot of fun creating her and making the fun movie to launch her. We were inspired by the graceful, elegant and calm characteristics of a swan.

Mary Ward wisely states that you should 'Be such as you appear and appear such as you are'. That means if you are being authentic and sincere, you are true to yourself and true to everyone around you. Not just socially in the playground and with friends, but also in learning and in all extra-curricular activities.

Changing the world is what Loreto Kirribilli girls strive to do, and starting in the community is a great way to begin. Our school is all about community and engaging with others. I truly love Loreto Kirribilli and I look up to all the Senior School leaders, teachers, and leader figures. We will all strive to be the authentic, real, loving, respectful Loreto girls that we are this year. Let’s make this the best year of ‘being real’ in our year of Sincerity.

Junior School Captain
