Social Awareness Live@Lunch

Social Awareness Live@Lunch

In 2022 we have hosted a number of keynote speakers to inform and inspire our girls during our new Social Awareness Live@Lunch sessions.

Dr Sonia Mycak, Research Fellow in Ukrainian Studies at ANU , shared her unique and personal insight into the impact of the war raging in Ukraine. In a demonstration of solidarity, the seminar concluded with the participants standing to observe a minute of silence.

In the lead up to Refugee Week 2022, we heard from guest speakers Marwa Moeen, Farhat Nazari and Farhat Kohistani , who shared their recent experiences of life under the Taliban regime. These amazing women fled Afghanistan less than 12 months ago, guided to safety with the help of a community who mobilised from afar. These women’s stories were incredibly powerful, giving a deeper appreciation and awareness of the trauma suffered and the issues affecting refugees in general.

During National Reconciliation Week, we were visited by Anaiwan man and Aboriginal advocate Terry Chenery who spoke to the students about intergenerational trauma and the significance of Reconciliation with First Nations People.

In June students heard from Laura Vidal (Churchill Fellow 2017) , a social work practitioner whose work includes identifying, responding to and preventing human trafficking, slavery and forced marriage.
