A Night of Majesty

A Night of Majesty

Our annual Junior School Concert was held at the Sydney Town Hall this year, in what was truly a once-in-a-lifetime magical experience for one and all.

What a majestic evening it was! From our teddy bears through to the light up tutus, our girls looked stunning on the Town Hall stage. Every girl came out walking a little taller, smiling a little wider, standing a little prouder and singing louder than ever.

The concert is the culmination of weeks of work. Auditions were held in Week 2 of Term 1. Rehearsals for the leads, dance troupe and ensembles began the following week. Throughout the semester every girl developed her skills in a range of areas including attention and focus, memory, self-regulation, planning and strategy, teamwork and impulse control.

Valentina from Kindergarten described her first concert as cute, and she enjoyed discovering her talents. Madeline from Kindergarten described her first concert as fun and she enjoyed working together with the other girls. For Claudia of Year 6, this was her final Junior School Concert. Claudia thought the Town Hall felt energetic and alive!

Performing in front of an audience of peers in familiar school surroundings can sometimes be daunting. To perform in front of close to one thousand parents and family members at Sydney's Town Hall takes some serious courage!

What incredible girls we have, who, after performing in the spotlight of the Sydney Town Hall, still stopped to express their gratitude to the teachers for their support as they exited the stage!

Thank you to the students, families, music tutors and Junior School Staff who worked together to bring the concert to life.
It truly was A Night Of Majesty.
