
Opportunities abound for classical and contemporary dance.

Junior School Dance
Years K - 6

Recreational dance classes are offered for all grades in the Junior School. Students learn about the fundamentals of dance, dance technique and rehearse routines to be performed at our end-of-year dance showcase.

Senior School Dance Troupes
Years 7 - 11

Students learn a variety of dance techniques in various genres including Jazz and Modern to improve strength, flexibility and style. The Loreto Kirribilli Dance Troupes take part in various school performances, local eisteddfod competitions and represent Loreto Kirribilli in the CGSSSA dance competition.

Senior School Dance Night

Led by the Creative and Performing Arts Council leaders and Production Council leaders, and ably assisted by our Performing Arts Department, the annual Dance Night is a red letter day on everyone's calendar. Solo and duet performances, dance troupes and House groups demonstrate a passion for a range of styles including ballet, jazz, lyrical and contemporary dance to a packed auditorium of appreciative spectators.

Senior School Dance Night 2022
